Come walk the labyrinths with us! - RSVP (760) 788 9571 - Contact us to arrange a group workshop.

Sacred Circles Hilltop is an All Denominational center dedicated to the life affirming celebration of Body, Mind, and Spirit. Everything in life is Circular. We observe the changing of the seasons, the traveling direction of the sun and the moon and the never-ending cycle of our journey from birth to death. We are one within the Circle of Life. By whatever name you call Him, Her, It, or God, this is the Source, our Source. This Source manifests within everyone and assists us in creating the life we choose. What we choose today is tomorrow’s reality.

People are drawn to our events and workshops to discover individual identity and purpose. We explore personal growth and all levels of healing. Our programs foster self-empowerment as well as a spiritual dimension of respect and connection to all. Come grow with us.

The Labyrinths

A labyrinth can be said to be the longest path possible within a confined space. The act of walking a labyrinth is a slow, deliberate process that encourages mindfulness and introspection. Health benefits of walking a labyrinth include stress reduction, mental clarity, and emotional tranquility.

Healing Arts

Healing through guided meditation is a holistic approach that combines mental focus, relaxation, and mindfulness to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. During this meditative state, the body’s stress response is reduced, which can lead to decreased inflammation, lower blood pressure, and improved immune function.


Attending one of our events offers a unique opportunity for communal meditation and reflection, where you can engage in a shared journey of introspection and peace. Such events often foster a sense of connectedness and unity, as everyone walks the winding paths together, experiencing the calming and transformative power of the labyrinth.